Thursday, January 29, 2009

Example #1

Me: I'm going to smoke a cigarette in my room.
(She has many diseases, therefore, being considerate.)

Her: Shut your door and close your mouth.


  1. I'm thinking that I'm going to love this blog.

  2. (my iPad background is a pic of me)
    Her:HAHAHA who's THAT!?!?
    Me: uh me
    Her: haha no really who is it?


    Me: aw the zipper on my wallets broken
    Her: uh don't care


    Her: wow ur lame


    (we're in a store)
    Me: that tops cute
    Her: I call it.
    She buys it and I haven't seen her wear it once


    Her: you look so ugly in that top


    (we agreed we were going to Starbucks and since I forgot my wallet she was lending me money)
    Me: ready?
    Her: nah I'm not goin
    Me: uh I don't have a lunch
    Her: good chance to lose some of that belly fat


    Cute guy we know (cgwk): I take hip hop dancing
    Me: cool! The closest thing I can do to hip hop dancing is that Justin bieber dance thing (from charlieissocoollike)
    Her: that's not hip hop
    Me: lol whoops close enough
    Her: no actually it's not

    I hate her.
